Controlling 2 servo using flex sensor in 2 arduino over serial (3DR radio)

controlling 2 servo using flex sensor in 2 arduino on serial (3dr radio telemetry)

iam using mega 2560(master) , arduino uno(slave)
actually, success control 1 servo 1 sensor (flex)
but,  how control 2 servos or more? read this, still confusing :(
and here

this code control 1 servo 1 sensor
code: [select]
#include <servo.h>  

int flexpin=a2;
//int flexpin1=a1;
int pos=90;
//int pos1=90;
servo myservo, myservo1;
int flex[20];
//int flex1[20];
int flexsum=0;

void setup()
 serial.begin(9600);  //begin serial talk serial monitor  
 serial1.begin(9600); //begin serial talk rx arduino
 serial.println("serial monitor connected");

void loop()

         for(int x=0; x<20; x++)

     //  serial.println(flexsum1);
    // myservo.write(pos);


and rx code
code: [select]
#include <servo.h>  

int val = 0;
int incoming = 0;
int pos = 0;
servo myservo, myservo1;

void setup()


void loop()
 incoming = serial.available();
 while (incoming != 0)                 //while there read
   val = serial.parseint();             //reads integers integer rather asci. else returns 0

thx helping ;)

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Controlling 2 servo using flex sensor in 2 arduino over serial (3DR radio)



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