analog read on attiny13

int potpin = 4;
int motorpin = 1;
int potvalue = 0;
int motorvalue = 0;
void setup()
  pinmode(motorpin, output);
void loop()
potvalue = analogread(potpin); 
motorvalue = map(potvalue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
analogwrite(motorpin, motorvalue); 

is there wrong code? trying control pwm dc motor. analogread function doesn't seem work. pwm fine cos substituted numerical value in place of motorvalue , working.

which core using ?

if using  smeezekitty core, , connect potmeter wiper pin pb4, using adc2.

so line

code: [select]
int potpin = 4;


code: [select]
int potpin = 2;

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > analog read on attiny13



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