Making a fridge like program.

hello users.

i making "fridge" program, need arduino board start cooling when it's on 25  degrees celcius, , stop cooling when it's below 23 degrees celcius.

this using dht library

this i've far.

code: [select]

// example testing sketch various dht humidity/temperature sensors
// written ladyada, public domain

#include "dht.h"

#define dhtpin 2     // pin we're connected to

// uncomment whatever type you're using!
//#define dhttype dht11   // dht 11
#define dhttype dht22   // dht 22  (am2302)
//#define dhttype dht21   // dht 21 (am2301)

// connect pin 1 (on left) of sensor +5v
// connect pin 2 of sensor whatever dhtpin is
// connect pin 4 (on right) of sensor ground
// connect 10k resistor pin 2 (data) pin 1 (power) of sensor

dht dht(dhtpin, dhttype);

int cooler = 12;

void setup() {
  serial.println("dhtxx test!");
  pinmode(cooler, output);


void loop() {
  // reading temperature or humidity takes 250 milliseconds!
  // sensor readings may 2 seconds 'old' (its slow sensor)
  float h = dht.readhumidity();
  float t = dht.readtemperature();

  // check if returns valid, if nan (not number) went wrong!
  if (isnan(t) || isnan(h)) {
    serial.println("failed read dht");
  } else {
    serial.print("humidity: ");
    serial.print(" %\t");
    serial.print("temperature: ");
    serial.println(" *c");
    if (t <= 24) {
      digitalwrite(cooler, low);
      serial.print ("stopped cooling");
   else (t >= 25)
   digitalwrite(cooler, high);
    serial.print(" start cooling");

this won't inbetween 24-25 period, it's doesn't cooldown, how could  fix this?

remove else statement , replace if statement.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Making a fridge like program.



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