New Content - Upload Image - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i new joomla , have done site images important. using newest version joomla! 1.0.11.

i read manual , under impression when in add article page , select upload image or file go hard drive browse , upload image or file. when select is:

you not authorized view resource.

i logged in full administration rights. have checked image directories, stories , subdirectories chmod 777 lost try now. hope has conquered this. if module or component suggested let me know want stay straight joomla core site.

thank help.

to add image article or content, follow these steps:-

sign in administrator
go media manager
there find (file upload max 8m) , browse button >> click button, find , select picture
now on top right icons upload click , message when pic uploaded.

now go content page if useing editor, there small icon picture on it. click on , new window.
write image path (normally /images/filename)
give name picture , click tab appearance there can specify size, spacing etc. when finished click insert
, done.

if dont see editor, check user account >> site>> user manager click name (administrator) there details page on right "user editor" , see if using dropdown , if blank, , there nothing select, go joomla extensions down load , install editor (tiny mce, fck) there are few available.

if complicated,

you should upload picture in folder /stories under images insted of in images.
now in content page on right  click tab images select image need , click ">>" include in "content images"
select image name in "content images" see active image, scroll down bit, below image can edit few things. keeping image selected find "insert image" below content (there 2 1 introduction , 1 main)
after clicking on place want insert image  click "insert image" see code {mosimage} added, preview page

there have it!!

if use upload button in content editor page itself, image uploaded /images/stories, have refresh see image in list.

normally message "you not authorized view resource" seen when try view page (which unpublished or restricted) front end.

if give more specifics, may can try you.



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