music page - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i found joomla yesterday , installed on site. have love it!! cool , usefull!

but have questions.
i want use joomla music site. wondering how made music page in joomla this

main music page list of singers/albums z
other music pages each alphabet , when clicks on or b or .... z redirected or b or ... z section , se name of artists/albums wich starts alphabet used.
for eks. if click on ( ) in main music page see names of singers/artists who/wich starts ( ) , when click on singer name show artists albums in new page, , when click on name of each album popup window show wich plays mp3 files (songs) flash player!

my english not hope undrestand mean!

and same thing download page can have main download page different categorys , in each category different downloads shown!

and make thet : evry time added new album music page or download downlod page shown in latest album menu or latest download meny!

thanks!  8)

have not seen check out extension site @ , see if find modify.

maybe this.... ... itemid,35/



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