Translating timer code from Uno to Micro ?

i have program written drive octobrite on uno. replacing uno micro. in exporting program arduino ide error message: tccr2a , additional code in segment below, not declared in scope.
below section refers to.
any advice on do??
china blue

 // initialize 1ms timer interrupt
 timsk2 &= ~(1<<toie2);
 tccr2a &= ~((1<<wgm21) | (1<<wgm20));  
 tccr2b &= ~(1<<wgm22);
 assr &= ~(1<<as2);
 timsk2 &= ~(1<<ocie2a);
 tccr2b |= (1<<cs22)  | (1<<cs20);
 tccr2b &= ~(1<<cs21);
 tcnt2 = timer_preload;
 timsk2 |= (1<<toie2);

any advice on do??

start fixing post title. have not having troubles porting data uno micro. having troubles porting code uno micro.

n exporting program arduino ide error message: tccr2a not declared in scope.

that's problem direct hardware manipulation. result not portable. you'll need @ datasheet uno, see tccr2a refers to, , @ datasheet micro figure out suitable replacement is.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Translating timer code from Uno to Micro ?



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