Q: Troubleshooting local setup of CF site

okay new problem..

i trying set website locally on computer , have cold fusion 8 installed , appears working fine. getting error in client's website at: files in accelerator directory.. , referenced cfc file in there too.

could not find coldfusion component or interface coldspring.beans.abstractbeanfactory.
ensure name correct , component or interface exists.

the error occurred in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\accelerator\application.cfm: line 4

2 : <cfsetting requesttimeout="300" />
3 : <cfif not isdefined("application.transfer") or not isdefined("application.services") or isdefined("url.init")>
4 : <cfset beanfactory = createobject("component","coldspring.beans.defaultxmlbeanfactory").init()/>
5 : <cfset beanfactory.loadbeansfromxmlfile(expandpath("/config/coldspring.xml"),true)/>
6 : <cfset mapping = "/" />

any ideas?

it looks cf server cannot find defaultxmlbeanfactory cfc.

is path coldspring/beans/defaultxmlbeanfactory.cfc relative accelerator directory?

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