how to power the rpi and a 12v led strip - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm thinking in best way substitute current setup 2 psu, 1 of 5v rpi, , 1 of 12v led (~200ma) i'm controlling rpi.

have thought use 12v 2a psu, split in two, 1 (jack) led, other (jack) 12v-5v converter, micro-usb, , rpi.

taken together, solution seems worse current 1 (two psu), since need quite lot of cables. there other solution there simpler 1 i'm suggesting? , there wrong proposal?


ggerard wrote:i'm thinking in best way substitute current setup 2 psu, 1 of 5v rpi, , 1 of 12v led (~200ma) i'm controlling rpi.

have thought use 12v 2a psu, split in two, 1 (jack) led, other (jack) 12v-5v converter, micro-usb, , rpi.
i'd do. if can't 2a 12v supply 1a 1 enough.
ggerard wrote:but taken together, solution seems worse current 1 (two psu), since need quite lot of cables. there other solution there simpler 1 i'm suggesting? , there wrong proposal?

don't see lot of cables, have 1 12v supply coming project, splitter point gets connected led , (small) ubec, ubec has micro usb plug soldered output.

splitter point normal connection point 12v led.



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